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Project: TeachersMOD – Future Elementary School Teachers Modernization in Kurdistan

Involved UNIPV structure: Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

UNIPV Team: Prof. Antonio Morone

Project duration: 01/02/2023 - 31/01/2025

Total Budget: € 399.507,00

UNIPV Budget: 72.370,00

Cordinator: University of Pavia - Italy

Full Partners:

University of Alto Douro – Portugal, University of Granada – Spain, UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union – Italy, University of Duhok – Iraq, University of Zakho – Iraq, University of Halabja – Iraq, University of Raparin – Iraq, Salahaddin University-Erbil – Iraq.


TeachersMOD aims to modernize and improve the quality of teaching in the Iraqi Kurdistan region.

The general objective of the project is to enhance the capacity of the Faculties of Basic Education in each partner institution, with the ultimate result of improving the overall regional standard of primary education.

TeachersMOD seeks to achieve this objective by innovating teaching methodologies, revising curricula, and strengthening the skills of university staff in the colleges of basic education and pedagogical centers of higher education institutions in the Iraqi Kurdistan region.

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How to reach us

GLOBEC - Center for Global Strategic Engagement