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Cooperation for Development

International Cooperation for Development plays a leading role in all the internationalization initiatives of the University of Pavia, whose mission in Developing Countries is to provide high-quality education, develop research activities, support cooperation initiatives, and ultimately promote capacity building.
This mission is founded on the belief that universities in developing countries can play a key role in promoting sustainable development and social justice

The strategy for international Cooperation for Development of the University of Pavia is implemented thanks to the active cooperation with other universities, international and local bodies and associations and by means of a variety of dedicated action lines: signing Memoranda of Understanding, offering scholarships for incoming researchers and scholars, managing, monitoring and evaluating development cooperation projects, creating international networks and partnerships in the area.

CICOPS - Committee for International Cooperation and Development
CDN - Cooperation & Development Network
SAR - Scholars At Risk
Future Builders Program
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How to reach us

GLOBEC - Center for Global Strategic Engagement