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Ongoing projects - InnoSocial

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Project:  InnoSocial – Mainstreaming Inclusive innovation and Social Entrepreneurship in Higher Education

Involved UNIPV structure: Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche ed Aziendali

UNIPV Team: Prof. Chiara Demartini

Total Budget: € 250.000,00

UNIPV Budget: € 75.790,00

Project duration: 01/11/2022 - 30/04/2025

Cordinator: University of Social Sciences Poland – Poland

Full partners:

Tetra Solutions Ltd. – Bulgaria, Vilnius University of Applied Sciences – Lithuania, University of Pavia – Italy, inCREA Foundation – Poland


The project aims to facilitate the integration of inclusive innovation and social entrepreneurship (II&SE), education, and training into university curricula. This project seeks to promote a broader integration of the social dimension into the knowledge triangle implemented by higher education institutions (HEIs). InnoSocial focuses on enhancing the foundation and capacity of academic staff at higher education institutions to design and deliver education in II&SE, and it aims to raise awareness of the role of higher education institutions in promoting II&SE among key stakeholders.

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GLOBEC - Center for Global Strategic Engagement