Double Degree students
If you are participating in a double degree programme, you will:
- Spend a semester or an entire academic year at Unipv, following a specific study plan defined in the bilateral agreement.
- Be exempt from paying tuition fees at Unipv.
- Obtain a double degree at the end of the course, one from your home university and the other from Unipv.
During your stay, you will follow the same regulations provided for Erasmus students. This means you will be required to submit the same documentation (learning agreement for studies, arrival and attendance certificates, etc.) and you will have access to all services available for Erasmus students (accommodation, if available, transportation card, canteen, libraries, and other facilities).
Check the page Erasmus for studies to be informed on the steps to follow during your double degree mobility.
Graduating at Unipv
If the research for thesis and final dissertation is included in your double degree programme, you will need to comply with the regulations provided by Unipv on graduation.