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Learning Mobility of Individuals Higher Education


Involved UNIPV Structure: U.O.C. Mobilità Internazionale


  • 2024: € 2.208.296
  • 2023: € 1.831.830
  • 2022: € 1.805.856
  • 2021: € 1.405.341
  • 2020: € 1.458.341



    The Key Action 1 (KA1) of Erasmus+ focuses on Learning Mobility of Individuals, providing opportunities for students, staff, and faculty in higher education to study, train, teach, or gain professional experience abroad.

    Student Mobility

    • Study abroad at a partner university (from 2 to 12 months)
    • Short Mobilities for PhD students (5-30 days)
    • Undertake an international traineeship (from 2 to 12 months)
    • Combined mobility (blended learning + physical mobility)

    Staff Mobility

    • Teaching mobility at a partner institution
    • Training and professional development opportunities (workshops, job shadowing, etc.)

    Blended Intensive Programmes

    • Short, innovative mobility formats, combining online learning with a short physical mobility (5-30 days).