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Ongoing projects - S-DISCO




Project: S-DISCO – International Master in Sustainable Drug Discovery

Involved UNIPV structure: Dipartimento di Chimica

UNIPV Team: Prof. David Sarlah

Project duration:  01/12/2021 - 30/11/2027

Coordinator: Ghent University - Belgium

Full Partners: Medical University of Gdańsk – Poland, University of Groningen – The Netherlands, University of Lille – France

Associated Partners:

Uppsala University – Sweden, Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies – Belgium, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) School of Chemical Engineering – South Korea, LUCA AICell – South Korea, University of Pavia – Italy, UC3M – Spain, BioVersys AG – Switzerland, DSI/NWU Preclinical Drug Development Platform (PCDDP) – South Africa, Junia – France, Universidad Católica de Santa María – Peru, Shemyakin and Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry – Russian Federation, Par’Immune – France, Jimma University – Ethiopia, Wuhan University (WHU) – China, Federal University of Technology Minna – Nigeria, Intestinal Biotech Development – France, Nuclear Medicine Research Infrastructure (NuMeRI) – South Africa, Bayer, West China School of Pharmacy – China


S-DISCO is a 2-year study program aimed at developing a transdisciplinary Master's by intertwining a series of pharmaceutical disciplines, environmental topics, and socio-economic issues.

The project takes into account the impact of the pharmaceutical industry on the environment and global society, emphasizing the theme of sustainability throughout the entire lifecycle of a drug.

It is jointly developed by 4 complementary European universities (Ghent University, University of Lille, Medical University of Gdańsk, and University of Groningen) and supported by international experts from relevant industry and (academic) institutions to ensure a unique global excellence and attractiveness.

A clear mobility path is proposed, giving students the opportunity to study and acquire specific skills at the different partner universities.

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How to reach us

GLOBEC- Center for Global Strategic Engagement

UOC International Mobility

Michela Cobelli

Federica Sarta