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Ongoing projects - EIMAS


Project: EIMAS – European Interdisciplinary Master African Studies

Involved UNIPV structure: Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

UNIPV Team: Prof. Antonio Morone

Total Budget: € 2.936.000,00

Project duration: 01/12/2019 - 30/11/2025

Coordinator: Universitat Bayreuth - Germany

Full Partners: Universite Bordeaux Montainge - France, Universidade do Porto - Portugal, University of Pavia - Italy


EIMAS will lead innovative approaches in teaching African studies.

The framing concept of EIMAS is "Global Africa."

EIMAS provides an integrated approach, focusing on the nexus between identity, territory, and sustainability, designed to transcend the boundaries of both conventional area studies and global studies, while recognizing alternative narratives and encouraging active engagement and cooperation in and with Africa.

EIMAS will offer students a four-phase mobility scheme from UP (1st semester) to UBT (2nd semester) and UBM (3rd semester) before conducting fieldwork or an internship in Africa, which will result in the writing of a thesis at the university of their choice.

The consortium's wide range of existing collaborations with academic and non-academic partners such as government representatives, NGOs, business leaders, and diplomats in Europe, Africa, and beyond ensures the best possible connection with the global job market.

UNIPV participates as an associate partner and will host students during their thesis period.

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How to reach us

GLOBEC- Center for Global Strategic Engagement

UOC International Mobility

Michela Cobelli

Federica Sarta