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Ongoing projects - VREA


Project: VREA – Virtual Reality Engineering and Game Design for Architecture and Cultural Heritage

Involved UNIPV structure: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Architettura

UNIPV Team: Prof. Sandro Parrinello

Total Budget: € 55.000,00

UNIPV Budget: € 55.000,00

Project duration: 01/02/2022 - 30/04/2023

Coordinator: University of Pavia - Italy

Full Partners:

Lublin University of Technology - Poland, Gdańsk University of Technology - Poland, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba - Argentina; Nanyang Technological University -Singapore; Perm National Research Polytechnic University - Russia, UPV Universitat Politècnica de València - Spain.


The project aims to integrate knowledge and skills to interact with the world of digital production of artworks, cities, and architectural artifacts, through the creation of databases, archives, and 3D models translated into languages and expressions belonging to the digital and creative industries.

VREA intends to design a transnational joint study program based on Master-level research (2 years) to provide young students and future professionals with cutting-edge knowledge (120 ECTS) on digital content and virtual realities applied to architecture and cultural heritage, based on cross-fertilization and exchange of experiences between international academies (6 higher education institutions) and third parties to optimize a "digital-oriented" learning experience and educational offering.

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How to reach us

GLOBEC- Center for Global Strategic Engagement

UOC International Mobility

Michela Cobelli

Federica Sarta