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In order to access our courses, your educational qualification must be evaluated by the Admission Office for academic recognition, a response about eligibility will be sent directly to you. / Per accedere ai nostri corsi è necessario che il tuo titolo di studio venga valutato dall'Admission Office per un "riconoscimento accademico", riceverai l'esito in merito all'idoneità del titolo direttamente via email.

    Evaluations for recognition are carried out in agreement with the following reference documentation 

    Criteria used to evaluate academic titles include: 

    • Validity of the academic qualification for the access to the higher education and for the enrollment in Bachelors' Degree or Masters' Degree Programs.
    • Authenticity of the Qualification.  
    • Accreditation of the Higher Education Institution awarding the qualification. 
    • Accreditation of the study program.  
    • Level of Qualification (ex. secondary school diploma, Bachelors’ Degree etc...). 
    • Type of Qualification (ex. academic stream, professional/vocational stream etc...). 
    • Specific limitations to the access to university-level in the education system in which the Qualification has been issued (ex. Access limited to courses in specific subject areas such as humanities or sciences, access limited to professional/vocational University-level courses, additional entrance exams required to access University-level courses etc...). 
    • Presence of a National exam to access the University in the education system in which the Qualification has been issued. If required by the local regulations on university admissions, marks may also be checked. 
    • Country-specific indications reported in the “Procedures for entry, residency and enrolment of international students and the respective recognition of qualifications for higher education courses in Italy”. 
    • Information and documentation received from Italian Representatives, Representatives of the Country where the Qualification has been obtained, the Italian Information Center on Academic Mobility and Equivalence (CIMEA) or collected after consultation of official databases. 

    Additional requirements and criteria besides those mentioned above and dedicated to specific types of Educational Qualifications or education systems may be applied on a case-by-case basis. 

    Holding an Educational Qualification that allows access to university-level courses is a mandatory requirement. In the eventuality that additional information or documentation collected after the enrollment of candidates show that they are holding a qualification that does not allow to access university-level courses, the Student Administration Offices will be required to terminate their position. 

    Students who have yet to complete their secondary education must attach the following documents: / Gli studenti che non hanno ancora completato la scuola secondaria superiore devono allegare i seguenti documenti:

    1. Last marksheet or letter from school stating that you are currently a student and when your expected to complete your studies / Pagella dell’ultimo anno di scuola secondaria superiore o lettera della scuola che attesti la tua iscrizione e la data in cui otterrai il diploma;
    2. Proof of registration to the higher education entry exam (where mandatory) / Attestato di iscrizione alla prova di idoneità accademica (se obbligatoria);
    3.  Self Certification (click here to download).


    The following list is only for orientation purposes, some countries may not be present. For general information, candidates can contact the Admission Office ( / La seguente lista è solo a titolo informativo, alcuni paesi potrebbero non essere presenti. Per informazioni generali i candidati possono contattare l'Admission Office (

    Access to Bachelor's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Bacalauria or 12 Grade Graduation Certificate
    • Original language: د ثانوی تعلیماتو برې لیک / شهادتنامه دوره ثانوی + کونکور
    • Higher Education entry exam: University Entrance Exam certificate (Konkor)

    Access to Master's Degree Programs

    •  Final Diploma: 4 year Degree

    Access to Bachelor's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire
    • Original language: شهادة بكالوريا التعليم الثانوي

    Access to Master's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Licence (≥ 3 years) o Licence système classique ≥ 4 years
    • Original Language: اللیسانس

    Access to Bachelor's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Higher Secondary Certificate
    • Original language: উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক সার্টিফিকেট

    Access to Master's Degree Programs

    • Final Diploma: Bachelor Degree Honours or Bachelor Pass 2 years + Master's Degree 2 years

    Access to Bachelor's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: General Certificate of Education + Advanced in at least 2 subjects + Ordinary in at least 4 subjects (british education system).or Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire (french education system)

    Please note that the education system of your country may bound you to choose a study course coherent with the study area chosen during your previous studies

    Access to Master's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma:  Licence 3 years (french system) or Bachelor’s Degree 3 years (british system)

    Access to Bachelor's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: General secondary education certificate or senior middle school graduation certificate
    • Original language: 高中毕业证书
    • Higher Education entry exam: GAOKAO

    Access to Master's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Benke (academic bachelor’s degree)
    • Original language: 本科

    Access to Bachelor's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: General Secondary School Certificate
    • Original language: شهادة إتمام الدراسة الثانوية العامة
    • Secondary school technical diploma: it is mandatory that the cluster of the diploma (science, literature...) is coherent with the discipline of the Bachelors' Degree Program and that the subjects taken during the secondary school are related to the Degree Program. The evaluation of the subjects taken during the secondary school may be necessary.
    • Secondary education certificate of Al-Azhar (شهاده التنوية الأزهرية): it is mandatory that the cluster of the diploma (science, literature...) is coherent with the discipline of the Bachelors' Degree Program is required (i.e. it is not possible to apply for a scientific degree program with a diploma in humanities and vice versa).

    Please note that the education system of your country may bound you to choose a study course coherent with the study area chosen during your previous studies

    Access to Master's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Bachelor's/Licence degree
    • Original language: بكالوريوس

    Access to Bachelor's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate or Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination

    Access to Master's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Bachelor’s Degree

    The suitability of the Foundation Year completed abroad as a means of fulfilling the 12-year schooling requirement will be evaluated by verifying that the content and duration in hours are comparable to those of the Foundation Year offered by the University of Pavia which consists in about 700 hours of lessons.

    Access to Bachelor's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASC) / WAEC

    Access to Master's Degree Programs

    • Final diplomaBachelor’s Degree

    Access to Bachelor's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Senior School Certificate Examination (SSC) or Intermediate Examination Certificate or Higher Secondary School Certificate or All Indian Secondary School Certificate or Indian School Certificate (ISC) or Standard XII

    Access to Master's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Honours Bachelor's Degree or Pass/General bachelor’s degree + Postgraduate Bachelor’s Degree/1-year master’s degree
    • Final diploma: Diploma of the International Baccalaureate (just IB Diploma Programme Course Results and/or Migration Certificate are not sufficient in order to enroll)
    • Other requirements: if applicants hold an International Baccalaureate Diploma, they must also meet the requirements listed in Annex 1 of the ministerial memorandum.

    Legalization of your final diploma, DOV or CIMEA Statement of Comparability are not required if IBO confirms the title.

    Access to Bachelor's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Certificate of Completion of Secondary School (theoretical branch) (Nazari, نظری);
      or Certificate of Completion of Secondary School in the Technical and Vocational Branch (Fani Herfei, فنی و حرفه ای);
      or Certificate of Completion of Secondary School in the Technical and Vocational Branch + Associate Degree/Continuous Kardani;
      or Certificate of completion of secondary education + Pre-University Certificate (if the degree was obtained before a.y. 2018/19 or if obtained with less than 12 years of schooling).
    • Original language: (گواهينامه پايان تحصيلات دوره دوم متوسطه - فنی و حرفه ای و گواهينامه پايان دوره پیش دانشگاهی) یا (گواهينامه پايان تحصيلات دوره دوم متوسطه - فنی و حرفه ای و کاردانی/ کارشناسی پیوسته) یا (گواهينامه پايان تحصيلات دوره متوسطه و گواهينامه پايان دوره پیش دانشگاهی)
    • Note: diplomas in the work and knowledge branch (Kar-danes, کاردانش) are not accepted.

    Access to Master's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Bachelor’s degree (4 years) or Associate Degree/Continuous Kardani or Discontinuous Degree (Karshenasi Napayvasteh) 
    • Original language: کارشناسی/ لیسانس / کاردانی/ فوق دیپلم / کارشناسی ناپیوسته

    Access to Bachelor's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Leaving Certificate
    • Original language: Ardteistiméireacht

    Access to Master's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Bachelor’s Degree

    Access to Bachelor's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools (NIS) Grade 12 Certificate (general secondary education)
      Жалпы Орта білім туралы аттестат/Аттестат об общем среднем образовании (Attestat - Certificate of Completed general secondary Education)
      Кәсіптік орта білім туралы диплом/Диплом о профессиональном образовании (Diploma of secondary vocational education)
    • Higher Education entry exam: Unified National Testing (UNT)
    • Altri requisiti: se i candidati sono in possesso di una qualifica di istruzione secondaria ottenuta dopo 11 anni, al fine di colmare la scolarità mancante sarà necessario presentare uno dei documenti elencati nell'Allegato 1 della Circolare Ministeriale.

    Access to Master's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Bachelor’s Degree (4 years) or Specialist diploma
    • Original Language: Бакалавр дипломы/Диплом бакалавра / Мамаң дипломы/Диплом Специалист


    Access to Bachelor's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Upper secondary education Certificate (Baccalauréat) or General Secondary Education Certificate
    • Original language: شھادة البكالوریا الثانویة العامة/شھادة الثانویة العامة

    Access to Master's Degree Programs

    • Final Diploma: Bachelor ‘s degree
    • Original Language: Bakâlôriyûs

    Access to Bachelor's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Attestation du Baccalauréat or Baccalauréat d’enseignement technologique et professionnel (BETP)
    • Original language: شهادة البكالوريا / بكالوريا في التعليم التكنولوجي والمهني

    Access to Master's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Licence d’Études Fondamentales or Licence Professionnelle or Diplôme d’Ingénieur d’Application
    • Original language: الإجازة في الدراسات الأساسیة / الإجازة المھنیة / دبلوم مھندس التطبیق

    Access to Bachelor's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: WAEC (WASSC) exams or NECO:
      a. WAEC (WASSC): pass at least 6 courses with grades A1, B2-3, C4-6.
      b. NECO: pass at least 6 courses with grades A1, B2-3, C4-6.

    Access to Master's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Bachelor’s Degree

    Access to Bachelor's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) or Intermediate School Certificate

    Access to Master's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Bachelor’s Degree (Honours) or Bachelor’s Degree (Pass) 2 years + Postgraduate Bachelor’s Degree 2 years

    Access to Bachelor's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Аттестат о среднем общем образовании / Attestat o srednem obshchem obrazovanii (Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education) or Диплом о среднем профессиональном образовании / Diplom o srednem professionalnom obrazovanii (secondary vocational education)
    • Higher Education entry exam: Unified State Exam (requested in all cases)
    • Other requirements: if applicants have a secondary education qualification obtained after 11 years, in order to fill the missing schooling it will be necessary to submit one of the documents listed in Annex 1 of the Ministerial memorandum.

    Access to Master's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Diplom Bakalavra or Diplom Specialista
    • Original name: Диплом бакалавра / Диплом специалиста

    ​​​​​​​Access to Bachelor's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Sudan Secondary School Certificate/SSSC
    • Original language: الشهادة الثانوية

    Access to Master's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Bachelor’s Degree 4 years

    Access to Master's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: General Secondary Education Certificate
    • Original language: شھادة الدراسة الثانویة العامة

    Access to Bachelor's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Bachelor’s Degree 4 years

    Access to Bachelor's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Baccalauréat certification
    • Original language: شهادة البكالوريا

    Access to Master's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Licence Fondamentale or Licence Appliquée
    • Original language: الإجازة التطبيقية / التطبيقية الإجازة

    Access to Bachelor's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: General High School Education or Technical High School Education or Technical High School Education + mandatory year at teknik lise
    • Original language: Lise Diploması or Teknik Lisesi Diploması or Meslek Lisesi Diploması + mandatory year at teknik lise.
    • Higher Education entry exam: YKS or YOS (for non-Turkish candidates with Turkish High school diploma).

    Access to Master's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Bachelor’s Degree
    • Original language: Lisans Diploması

    Access to Bachelor's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma:General Certificate of Education (GCE) or International General Certificate of Education (IGCE) with 3 A levels in subjects related to the chosen course.

    Access to Master's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Bachelor’s Degree

    Access to Bachelor's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: High School Diploma with Advanced Placements (at least 3 APs in subjects related to the chosen course).
      GED is unsuitable to access Higher Education

    Access to Master's Degree Programs

    • Final diploma: Bachelor’s Degree