When planning your stay in Pavia, finding suitable accommodation is essential for a comfortable and productive experience. Please note that the Visiting Staff Office does not provide housing, however the following paragraphs contain suggestions to help you find lodging.
Pavia offers a variety of options to suit different needs and preferences. The town features university-affiliated residences, perfect for those seeking a collegial atmosphere, as well as private residences with apartment-style living for added independence. For shorter stays or greater flexibility, there are also numerous temporary accommodation options, such as B&Bs, hotels, and hostels.
Below is a selection of recommended places to stay during your time in Pavia.
The town of Pavia and the University itself boast an extensive collegiate system, which we suggest you contact to check room availability.
- Collegio Fratelli Cairoli (male)
- Collegio Plinio Fraccaro (male)
- Collegio Lazzaro Spallanzani (male)
- Collegio Castiglioni Brugnatelli (female)
- Collegio Gerolamo Cardano
- Collegio Giasone del Maino
- Collegio Camillo Golgi
- Collegio Benvenuto Griziotti
- Collegio Lorenzo Valla
- Collegio Alessandro Volta
- Collegio Don Bosco
- Almo Collegio Borromeo
- Collegio Ghislieri
- Ca’ della Paglia (apartments)
- Collegio Nuovo (female)
- Collegio Santa Caterina
- Collegio Cardinal Riboldi
- Palazzo Vistarino
One residence is located in Cremona:
- Camplus (apartments)
- Campus Residence (apartments)
- Residenziale Il Naviglio
- Residence La Sfera
- Residence Silmar
- Residence Isola Verde
- Collegio Maria Ausiliatrice (female)
- Collegio “Senatore” (female)
Alternatively, instead of residences, we recommend booking temporary accommodation. Here is a list: