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Project: SArPe – Socially situated Architectural Pedagogies

Funding scheme: Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships

Involved UNIPV structure: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Architettura

UNIPV Team:  Prof. Ioanni Delsante

Total Budget: € 250.000,00

UNIPV Budget: € 69.700,00

Project duration: 01/10/2022 - 30/09/2025

Cordinator: University of Pavia - Italy

Full partners:

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven – Belgium, University of Málaga – Spain, Istanbul Technical University – Turkey, Spazio Gioco Association – Italy


The project aims to promote socially localized forms of architectural pedagogy and shape the role of architects as active citizens. The SArPe project is designed to benefit both students and educators by developing digitally responsive, innovative, inclusive, and socially situated learning capacities. To achieve this goal, SArPe aims to enhance architectural curricula with revised modules that focus on:

  • Bringing architectural pedagogy closer to social challenges,
  • Implementing inclusive participatory models of teaching and learning,
  • Engaging and influencing a broader network of stakeholders, including non-academic organizations and partners.
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How to reach us

GLOBEC - Center for Global Strategic Engagement