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Ongoing projects - Erasmus ICM 2022




Project: Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility KA171 2022

Involved UNIPV Structure: U.O.C. Mobilità Internazionale

Project duration: 01/08/2022 - 31/07/2025

Cordinator: University of Pavia - Italy

Full Partners:

European University of Tirana - Albania, University of Tirana - Albania, AUB: American University of Beirut - Lebanon, Lebanese American University - Lebanon, Beirut Arab University: BAU - Lebanon, Helwan University - Egypt, University of Prishtina - Kosovo, Misurata University - Lybia, University of Tripoli - Lybia, Sirte University - Lybia, Zawia University - Lybia, USMBA – Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah – Fès - Morocco, Mid Western University - Nepal, Université Nationale d'Agriculture - Benin, Université d'Abomey-Calavi - Benin, Egerton University - Kenya, Pwani University - Kenya, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology - Kenya, Kenyatta University - Kenya, Gulu University - Uganda, Bishop Stuart University - Uganda, Uganda Martyrs University - Uganda, University of Zambia - Zambia, Mulungushi University - Zambia.


The project funds mobility for students and staff members to and from the University of Pavia and the partner institutions of Albania, Lebanon, Egypt, Kosovo, Lybia, Morocco, Nepal, Benin, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia.

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