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Closed projects - Strategic Partnership for Higher Education - OUT-SIDE-IN


Project: OUT-SIDE-IN – Inclusive Adult Education with Refugees

Involved UNIPV structure: Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

UNIPV Team: Prof.ssa Anna Rita Calabrò

Total Budget: € 412.274,00

Project duration: 01/09/2015 - 31/08/2018

Coordinator: Institute for Didactics of Democracy, Leibniz University of Hanover, Germany

Full Partners:

Folkuniversitetet - Sweden; Synergy of Music Theatre - Greece; Speha Fresia - Italy; ZRC SAZU - Slovenia; Konya Metropolitan Municipality - Turkey; Universität Vechta; University of Pavia; Four Elements - Greece


OUT-SIDE-IN is committed to qualifying multipliers for the inclusion of refugees in adult education, offering new opportunities for interaction and communication channels between these groups with the aim of softening prejudices and promoting awareness and respect for the multiple perspectives in today's immigration societies.

To this end, Out-Side-In develops a 5-module program for multipliers to qualify them for inclusive adult education with refugees.

With 9 partners in the 6 mentioned countries, Out-Side-In will provide needs analysis for target groups, develop and test educational materials and innovative methods for groups of students with refugees, train and support 150 multipliers for sustainable implementation, and publish all project results for free public access on this website. Out-Side-In provides results that qualify educational staff in inclusive teaching and learning abilities with creative methods to moderate groups including refugees, increase awareness for multiple perspectives and understanding between the mainstream society and refugees, reduce prejudices, and offer new agreements for their relationships, providing opportunities for participation and learning for refugees.

Overall, Out-Side-In contributes to an educational puzzle that promotes more inclusive societies.

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GLOBEC - Center for Global Strategic Engagement