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Closed projects - Strategic Partnership for Higher Education - OUVM


Progetto: OUVM – Open Universities for Virtual Mobility

Involved UNIPV structure: Unità di Innovazione nella Didattica e nella Comunicazione Digitale, U.O.C. Mobilità Internazionale

UNIPV Team: Ms. Elena Caldirola

Budget: € 277.455,00

Project duration: 24 months

Coordinator: Vytauto Didziojo Universitetas

Partners: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; University of Pavia; University Of LeicesterUniversidad De Oviedo


The project addresses key innovations highlighted in the adapted communication from the European Commission in September 2013, which are also inevitable conditions for the modernization of higher education: Open Educational Resources (OER), the design of technology-enhanced learning (TEL) study programs, and forms of virtual and blended mobility.

The aim of this project is to open university studies to virtual mobility by training teachers and academic staff on how to design the master's study program curriculum using OER and applying correct licenses, how to establish collaborative trust relationships in curriculum design for multicultural exchange, and how to integrate these educational innovations of openness into daily practices.

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GLOBEC - Center for Global Strategic Engagement