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Ongoing projects - PEN-QM


Project: PEN-QM – Sustainable Quality Management – to foster future-proof job skills of HEI learners

Involved UNIPV structure: Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche ed Aziendali

UNIPV Team: Prof. Valentina Beretta, Prof. Chiara Demartini

Total Budget: € 250.000,00

UNIPV Budget: € 42.028,00

Project duration: 01/12/2022 - 30/11/2024

Cordinator: Vilniaus Kolegija – Lithuania

Full partners:

Vilniaus Kolegija – Lithuania, PEN Worldwide (Practice Enterprise Network) – Germany, University of Graz – Austria, REEP (Réseau national français des Entreprises d’Entraînement ou Pédagogiques) – France, University of Pavia – Italy, Tetra Solutions Ltd. – Bulgaria


The project aims to establish sustainable and innovative quality management mechanisms within the Practice Enterprise (PE) and to promote the integration of future-proof work skills for IIS students.

The primary objective of PEN-QM is to explore ways to provide students from various higher education specialties, teachers, and the higher education community with an innovative web-based learning tool for the practical application of the top 10 future work skills. Secondly, the PEN-QM project aims to develop innovative models for quality monitoring that will enhance the activities carried out by the Practice Enterprise.

Finally, the consortium aims to facilitate greater cooperation between the PE network and higher education institutions in terms of quality, assessment, and auditing.

The PEN-QM project will enhance the skills of students and teachers in higher education institutions in analytical and critical thinking, innovation, problem-solving, and more. The project will also improve cooperation between practice enterprises and higher education institutions on audits by working together on testing materials and online tools, and through student exchange activities (both virtual and in-person).

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