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Project: CONSENS – Latin American consensus for the internationalization in postgraduate education

Involved UNIPV structure: GLOBEC - Center for Global Strategic Engagement

UNIPV Team: Prof. Paolo Gamba, Prof. Silva Bortolussi

Total Budget: € 999.500,00

UNIPV Budget: € 32.775,00

Project duration: 15/11/2018 - 28/02/2022

Cordinator: Universidad de Buenos Aires - Argentina

Full Partners:

Sapienza, Università di Roma - Italy; University of Pavia - Italy; Consorzio Interuniversitario per l’Argentina (CUIA) - Italy; Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona -Spain; Universitè d’Aix Marseille - France; Universidad Complutense de Madri -Spain; Fundacion Isalud - Argentina; Universidad Nacional de Lujan - Argentina; Secretaria de Politicas Universitarias - Argentina; Universidad Gran Asuncion - Paraguay; Universidad Iberoamericana - Paraguay; Universidad Nacional de Asuncion - Paraguay; Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencias - Paraguay


Internationalization is a common goal among higher education institutions in Latin America. Two of the most common strategies for internationalizing postgraduate education are:

  1. International academic partnership for the development of joint programs;
  2. Postgraduate international mobility with academic recognition.

The lack of agreed-upon indicators allowing the characterization and comparable measurement of the key variables involved in the mentioned strategies has certainly hindered their implementation. Particularly important is the lack of broad consensus on two essential components of postgraduate education that are recognized globally:

  1. Student-centered learning (SCL), primarily concerning three elements useful in operationalizing SCL: learning outcomes, skills, and credits;
  2. Quality assurance.

CONSENS has contributed to the internationalization of postgraduate education, through consensus on standards relating to substantial variables related to student-centred learning and quality assurance.

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How to reach us

GLOBEC - Center for Global Strategic Engagement