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Project: AgriENGAGE - Strengthening Agri-Entrepreneurship and Community Engagement Training in East, West and North Africa

Involved UNIPV structure: Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali

UNIPV Team: Prof. Maria Sassi

Total Budget: 999.291,00

UNIPV Budget:  130.555,00

Project duration: 15/01/2021 - 14/01/2024

Cordinator: Egerton University - Kenya

Full Partners:

University of Pavia - Italy, University of Copenhagen - Denmark, Pwani University - Kenya, Gulu University - Uganda, Uganda Martyrs University - Uganda, Regional Universities Forum For Capacity Building In Agriculture - Uganda, Université d'Abomey-Calavi - Benin, Université Nationale d'Agriculture - Benin, University mohammed vi polytechnic - Morocco, Institut Agronomique Et Vétérinaire Hassan Ii - Morocco


AgriENGAGE aims at strengthening HEIs to provide excellent training programmes in Agri-entrepreneurship and Community Engagement responsive to evolving labour market demands to stimulating agricultural transformation and enhanced agricultural sector competitiveness. The specific objectives of the project are:

  1. Increasing the availability of updated Agri-entrepreneurial and Community Engagement Training programs;
  2. Enhancing teaching competences related to business development services and community engagement in the partner universities’ academic staff;
  3. Training students skilled in demand driven agri-entrepreneurship, agribusiness development services and community engagement;
  4. Enhancing collaboration between universities and industry.

In overall, AgriENGAGE has served to;

  1. Share experiences with African and European partners.
  2. Internally, regionally and internationally refresh Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) training approaches, methodologies and aspirations as part of enhancing quality as well as increasing internationalization of curricular and training experiences; and
  3. Escalate the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) - industry linkages including linkage communities for better experiential learning.
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How to reach us

GLOBEC - Center for Global Strategic Engagement