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Year of study: 1
Compulsory Choose a subject Select alpha language Select beta language Select gamma language
Year of study: 2
Compulsory Select 2nd year alpha language Select 2nd year beta language Select 2nd year gamma language Sub-course A - Select Civilization Sub-course A - Select gamma language 3rd year
Year of study: 3
Compulsory Select 3rd year alpha language Select 3rd year beta language Sub-course A - Select gamma language 3rd year Sub-course B - Select literature Select Civilization Choose a subject 12 elective ECTS (CFU). It is possible to choose among all subjects offered by the University (12 CFU)
Corso di Studio 05403 LINGUE E CULTURE MODERNE
e Tipo Attività Formativa D A scelta dello studente
Year of study: 1
Compulsory Choose a subject Select alpha language and literature Select beta language and literature
Year of study: 2
Select 2nd year alpha language and literature Select 2nd year beta language and literature Select Philology Choose 12 ECTS (CFU) (12 CFU)
Year of study: 3
Compulsory Select 3rd year alpha language and literature Select 3rd year beta language and literature Scegli un insegnamento vincolato alla lingua ALPHA o BETA, purché non già sostenuto Choose a subject
Scegliere un insegnamento vincolato alla lingua ALPHA o BETA, purché non già sostenuto, tra: FILOLOGIA GERMANICA – A, FILOLOGIA ROMANZA – A, FILOLOGIA SLAVA – A. Se la lingua ALPHA e la lingua BETA sono della stessa famiglia, o se entrambe le Filologie sono state già scelte al 2° anno, scegliere uno degli altri insegnamenti, purché non già sostenuto.
12 elective ECTS (CFU). It is possible to choose among all subjects offered by the University (12 CFU)
Corso di Studio 05403 LINGUE E CULTURE MODERNE
e Tipo Attività Formativa D A scelta dello studente